President Obama's speech was very good today I was impressed.
Gossip Girl Last Night,
-I loved Blair's coat(s)
-I loved Blair's coat(s)

-Wow, can anybody believe that just because Blair might not of gotten into Yale just because of one B
-Aww I loved how Serena gave up her spot for Blair at Yale
-I hate how Blair ruined that spot by being well.... herself ;]
-Yay! Chuck and Lily joined forces and what do you know, Jack Bass is gone (thank goodness)
In Other News:
- Swim Practice was very intense today, we have a meet on Saturday against a really good team though (so I guess it will pay off)
- I finished the portion (aka 12 chapters) on Stephenie Meyer's website of Midnight Sun (I cannot believe that she just gave up, it was so good too)
Did they let you watch the speech at school? I hadda work. Will you write a poem for my blog? I posted a photo of a sunset that looks like ashes and bones. Will you sign my guest book? I need, I need. I want, I want. Wah! Wah! I'm pouty baby.
Yea, we got to miss classes to watch :]
Yes sure I'll try writing a poem for the picture [I don't know if it will come out...]
I am having trouble finding the guestbook
And finally lol ;]
Deborah, omg you will not believe this!!!! Kate just commented on by Rugby post, I am soooo happy! Thanks soo much for your advice, your a genius!!!
Hi. I'm looking for Poutalicious. She won the giveaway over on my blog. Could she e-mail me at
I left her a comment on her blog, too. Thanks!
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