It started with a bubble falling down on a cold (cold, cold, cold cold, cold, you get the idea) day er, morning. I was about eight years old and I couldn't understand why this would be "so cool". The bubble began to freeze in the air as it fell, and lingered toward the ground. The bubble dropped to the ground and shattered. Some of the others just dropped on the ground and rolled down a slope of snow for about 30 seconds. (long story longer,) I was hooked and still continue to to this. It may be small but, small thrills can be the best :]
In Other News:
-I finally mastered rainbow road (the hardest level) in Mario Kart
-Frogman is going to Disney for Gallery Shows & Signings (I LOVE his miniature frog collection)

hah i saw that on the news yesterday ,
about frozen bubbles .
cute : )
omg wow that was on the news, that is so cool :]
I read somewhere that if it is cold enough you can throw water up in the air and it will freeze and drop like little hail stones. Have you tried that? BTW it is about 70 degrees in Arizona today and sunny. Had to rub it in. Will you sign my guest book on my blog? Tell Auxiliary girl that I can't see her profile because it is not enabled. Show her how -- Oh great, yet humble, blogger and web designer.
i wish it was 70 degrees here.
It would be like heaven!
Thank you Poutalicious,
I am honored. And yes I will fix the profile issue with auxiliary girl. ahhh 70 degree weather... that would be so nice right now...
It has to be below zero for the frozen bubble trick to work. Loved your picture of the frozen bubble.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I have a set of 5 mini frogs made by the frogman! Love those frogs!
Ok I really need to try this!
I want you to post a photo of the frog collection. And can you write a poem for my blog? I can see Auxiliary Girl's web site now! woot-woot!
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