Friday, February 13, 2009

To answer your question...

Okay Pouty Baby Here are some answers:

-Yes I am swimming again, however I am permanently Disabled [but that doesn't stop me]
-My Speech is about Risk
-I just found out one hour ago that I made it to the Semi- finals
-NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month, and I have attempted to complete it almost every month I have been blogging, and I could actually complete it, after my next post [which will be about Grey's Anatomy] I will only be one behind.

In Other News
-The Valentine's Day Dance is Tonight [but I might have Strep throat]
-I am trying to complete the last set of races on Mario Kart, One circuit away from gold medals on every level!!!!!



Susan English Mason said...

Now I feel fully informed. Thank you and please be careful; or is this a situation where you can't possibly hurt the shoulder to a greater degree than it already is? I am proud of your determination and you obviously have verbal communication skills as well. You have some "English" in you!!!!!

Jackie said...

aww! sorry about the strep throat!

Auxiliary Girl said...

Just back from the doctor, it is not strep throat... its the dreaded pneumonia. She is on antibiotics now.