"The 2008 manatee mortality totals fell below the previous 5-year average of 357 deaths. However, this same 5-year period (2003-2007) represented the highest average number of deaths on record, and far surpassed the 5-year average for the period from 1998-2002, which was 281 deaths. Additionally, the 90 watercraft moralities documented in 2008 well exceeded the 5-year average of 77 observed from 2003-2007. All told, 99 manatees were confirmed to have died from human-related causes (watercraft, flood gate/canal lock, and other human) in 2008, and it is likely that a number of manatees whose causes of death could not be determined or whose carcasses were unrecovered also died from human-related causes. Furthermore, some cold-related and perinatal deaths may also be associated with human activities (i.e. the reduction of spring flows at a warm water site or the death of a calf following the loss of its mother in a fatal watercraft strike). Research has indicated that many manatees may be dying at an early age, falling far short of their expected life span of 60+ years. These premature, often human-induced moralities threaten the longevity of Florida's manatee population, and must be minimized if we are going to successfully recover manatees. "
This needs to stop many people are concerned about polar bears and whales, and don't get me wrong those animals need help too. However saving the manatees is so easy. All that needs to happen is people slowing their boats down in Florida, and we could save up to 50 manatees a year!
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In Other News,
-I just figured out you can unlock mii characters in Mario Kart!
-This weekend is a long weekend :]
-I JUST figured out today that Michael Phelps will probably be arrested (how did I not know sooner) :[ Ha BTW Manatees can swim faster than him :]
omg! I think that Michel Phelps should get arrested. He knew that someone there was probably going to take a picture of him doing that too.
I am very disappointed in him :(
I am dissapointed too but I also think it was wrong to take that picture :[its a lose lose situation
I adopted a manatee in high school. Such amazing creatures.
:] manatees are great,
adopting them is fun too!
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