Monday, December 15, 2008

A girl can dream, (and hope that she will survive the SSATs)

Here I am again fantasizing about my favorite Tory Burch Tote, I know pointless (It's never going to happen lol) but I might as well post a picture :)


The SSATs (Secondary School Application Tests) are January 10. I have been freaking out whatnot with exams, projects, etc. You see normally I wouldn't care because the first round of SSATs are just practice, but the school I am applying to wants to see my practice SSATs (and I am a really bad test-taker)

Sorry about the hyperventilating

On a brighter note:

I finished my "Firemouse Project"

(a project where a mouse trap is set at least a meter away from a lit birthday candle and in five or more steps you must find a way to make the mousetrap set off other things to make the candle go out)

So I am very happy about that (sorry about the hyperness too)



1 comment:

Norah said...

ooh that is so pretty, perfect for summer!