If you live in a cold, snowy, dreary area you can understand why I am so excited about leaving the cold. But then again who doesn't like Florida (and no Homework). GOODBYE EARMUFFS HELLO SHORTS!
In Other News:
-Swimming is still going well (so much I might not need the shoulder surgery
-Now that I am free from photography class where I could only us film, I love digital photography more than ever (and I am inspired to get a picture like the one on the right)
-I am on a mission- I don't know what for, but I feel like I am on a mission.
-Because I will be gone :) I might not be able to post for 5 days :(
-I officially think that I am physically unable to do NaBloPoMo but who knows, I could make it a New Year's Resolution
spill sweetheart!!!!!!!!! what's your mission lol i know the feeling
omg no way, were your seats close to each other?? that's so funny how's florida
Florida is great, I know you're coming down here soon, you'll love it compared to the cold :)
My seat was not near O's but, we saw her in the security line (that had over 500 people)
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