Wednesday, December 24, 2008

iPhone Nano

I was on, and thought this was pretty interesting.

apparently Apple is going to launch the iPhone Nano in January.(picture )

It sounds pretty good to me. The design looks pretty cool, I love how there is an iPod on the front. However I wonder why the front of the phone isn't a touch screen also...

Maybe that would be too much touch screen. Anyways I thought that was interesting. Was anybody else expecting this (I know I wasn't)

In Other News:

-Florida was great, I traded for some really cool pins at Downtown Disney (I'll post some pictures)
-Christmas is almost here (Yay, excitement!)
-I (finally) finished Breaking Dawn (I know I'm a little late but I finished)

Very excited (and always sincerely),


Anonymous said...

I think that the Iphone nano is really confusing. I would just like the Iphone just as it is.

Deborah said...

I know what you mean, it would make SO much more sense if they just made a smaller more compact version (instead of a flip- phone)

Oh btw this might be fake and might not really not come out (we'll see in January)