Not much is going on in my life except
- Today I found the cutest Lilly dress on sale for 1/2 off [yes I bought it]
- School begins tomorrow
- Lacrosse Begins and I don't have any cleats...
- In Boston it's raining :'[
- And Gossip Girl is on tonight!! [one of my friend's friend saw them filming the season finale (she thinks) and it involves Chuck and Blair...]
well, at least you didn't have school today, AND, you don't have mcas this week..... :'(
Did you have fun? The way I got the swan picture was by accident. I took the picture and it was a cool sunset. I have a "crop and rotate" feature in photoshop that I use for my pictures. I like to rotate them a little and when I did - this one had a straight up swan floating on a gold/gray cloud. If you look at it, you can see the tilt of the ground. It looks like I was on a hill, but I wasn't. I see cool things doing this. Sometimes I even turn pictures of the sky completely upside down and you wouldn't believe how pretty.
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