Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Miami to Mexico

Wow, it feels like I haven't posted in forever. Ah, at least I have an excuse [I was sick {again}]. It was really quite funny though, you see I only have a common cold, but I have asthma, so everybody thought I got the flu or something like that.

Enough with sad news :[ I have some good news, I am leaving for Miami tomorrow but [I don't think I mentioned] I'm going on a cruise! :] There is Internet on the ship so I can post some pictures of the trip. I am a little bit freaked out about Miami though because ever since I got out for Spring Break I've had nothing to do, so I watched [WAY too much] CSI Miami.

Did anybody see Gossip Girl last night?? Carter??? Nate??? CHUCK??? Blair??? Dan??? aaahhh it left me with so many questions, mostly "What were you thinking"

And What is up with Gossip Girl Insider "Because the Gossip Girl producers and the CW are so cool, we were sent a copy of this episode and have seen it. We'll post a recap for you later in the week!" What is this about them getting the next episode early [yeah I'm jealous]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey D, its ME Julia... Hope u feel better soon!! <3 J