I am officially able to say that I have donataed over 1000 grains of rice tonight. I know not a lot but the more I play this the more addicting it is. If you are not farmiliar with freerice, let me explain. Free Rice( http://freerice.com/index.php ) is a website where you not only brush up on your vocab or spanish (or french or german) but every time you get a question right, you have donated 20 grains of rice. It only takes two or three minutes (if you go to level one) to donate 1000 grains of rice to help world hunger. Yesterday 160,825,260 grains of rice were donated. So what are you waiting for go donate some rice at http://freerice.com/index.php
i donated over 3000 grains of rice once............................................................................................
yay the more the merrier
Wow, this is a great site too! Thank you for pointing it out
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