Sunday, November 30, 2008

Break is coming to an end, it just started to snow, and there are "shadows in the water"

Goodbye Fall
Goodbye colorful leaves
Goodbye turkeys
Goodbye Cousins over for Thanksgiving
Goodbye School Break

Hello Winter
Hello snow
Hello holiday decorations
Hello Poetry unit at school
Hello New Gossip Girl Episode Tomorrow

Have You ever heard the saying "When one door closes, another one opens". I just feel like that really matters today I don't exactly know why though. Perhaps it is the lack of leaves and day after day of dreary rain, perhaps I am excited for our poetry unit at school starting Tuesaday. Whatever it is it just feels like walking on the horizon.

Because of this I picked out a really nice poem I found looking through a book today.

It is called "Shadows in the Water" by Thomas Traherne
I am only going to post the second, and third stanza, you can find the rest of the poem at

Thus did I by the water's brink
Another world beneath me think;
And while the lofty spacious skies
Reversèd there, abused mine eyes,
I fancied other feet
Came mine to touch or meet;
As by some puddle I did play
Another world within it lay.

Beneath the water people drowned,
Yet with another heaven crowned,
In spacious regions seemed to go
As freely moving to and fro:
In bright and open space
I saw their very face;
Eyes, hands, and feet they had like mine;
Another sun did with them shine.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LisaNova Meets Katy Perry


Sunday, November 16, 2008

How many days? Two maybe

The Clique Movie is coming out in 3 or 2 days, I guess it depends on how you count. But I assume that all of the clique fans are excited x10. So I decided two post the trailer on. Go awn, check them out. Oh, and if you are a Clique fan don't be a LBR, go check out the Clique Movie Site at


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Upholding Standards

The job of a reader is hard. The reader chooses what they want to read. Consciously or not the reader decides if what they are reading is worthwhile. No matter if it is a rant about politics, an insiders look at the private sale at Neimans, or even a Shakespearean poem, the reader has a hard job.

Because of this the writer has to uphold standards for readers. On some of my posts I have been noticing a lack of quality. Most of these times I have been worried about quantity for posting everyday. I apologize for this, and hope I will be writing some better posts!

By the way,
For those of you that know me, I am thinking about getting side bangs, I accidentally messed up my hair today, and it looked like I had side bangs, they looked pretty cute.
So let me know!


Friday, November 7, 2008


I am not pleased to say that I have a fever, and I have a terrible headache, which isn't really helping with the whole two blog posts a day thing. In fact, this counts as yesterday's post, so I will have to write three more posts today. Anyways, I finally got to see the most recent episode of gossip girl and I loved it, so much drama as usual.
In Other News
-Photography ends in about a week, right after I exposed and ruined a whole roll of film
